G is for Grapes

Boy, my posting totally fell apart this week… between re-organizing my workflow, visitors from out of town, and evening classes, the week evaporated. I’m off work on Friday, and I’m going to get this workflow stuff up & running or die trying!

A is for Asparagus

I’ve joined the 2006 Alphabet-Along, hosted by Anne. This is my first installment. Here’s a little background. When I was in college, studying photography, I created an alphabet book as senior project. All the images were created by placing the items on a flatbed scanner. It was a lot of fun to make, and I always dreamed of seeing it bound in actual book form. Ten years ago, it was prohibitively expensive for a college student to get 26 decent digital prints, much less self-publish a book. Now, with all the great products that places like Shutterfly available, it’s well…